Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, Jan 11, 2012

Ugh!  I had another dream about sex with my ex!  I hate that!  And it wasn't even a good experience...except that afterwards (like hours afterwards), I asked him why he didn't seem to WANT to do it WHILE we were doing it.  We had a serious heart-to-heart and I think we ended up on the same page after that.  I remember thinking that I went from feeling like we were splitting up to feeling like we were going to be alright.

I haven't spoken to my ex since our son graduated from high school nearly three years ago.  I have no desire to see him or speak to him again...because of actions he's taken in the last couple of years.  And I'm pretty sure he feels the same way...not that I care how he feels.

In another dream, I was teaching a large class.  There were actually several of us teaching.  We were in one room and had to move to another.  We couldn't find our original room at first, but eventually we did.  It seemed we had to walk past it, turn around, and come back to it.  Strange.  But we got there nonetheless.

Once there, one of the students said they wanted to know about something specific, and she described it with four letters, like ADPE, but I don't think that was it.  As instructors, we were never taught this section of the course and told her we weren't qualified to teach it.  In fact, I remember telling her that I was under no obligation to teach her something that wasn't taught to me.  She (and others) weren't happy about this.

I also remember that the students (adults, though mostly young adults) were a bit out of hand.  I had to keep yelling to get their attention.  Finally I told them, at the top of my voice, that if they didn't quiet down so that we could get though this course, I would ask them to leave...and they wouldn't get their qualifications for this course.  That REALLY started ticking people off.

Then Christina R. showed up.  I jumped on top of a table and got everyone's attention, told them who Christina was, and told them that although I'd asked them to be on their best behavior before, they had better be now that Christina was there.

I've been out of the schoolhouse for a month now (woohoo!).  None of my classes were as large as the one in my dream.  Christina was in charge of all training NAVSEA-wide.  She did come to Crane a couple of times and even walked into one of my classes.  She was no threat though and the students were perfectly amiable before she arrived and after she left.