Friday, October 2, 2009

Oct 2, 2009

I don't remember the order of these events in my dreams. I just remember snippets of stories.

At one point, I was in a school. Apparently I had to spend the night there. MANY of us were. But it wasn't organized. There was no specific sleeping area and we weren't all on the same schedule. I remember feeling like I needed to protect my flashlight so that no one took it because it was dark. I was sleeping behind a school desk that I laid on its side, like I was hiding behind it. Some people were walking around and coming close to my make-shift tent and I'd get nervous. I don't remember why we were there or why I was all by myself...everyone else seemed to be with a friend or in a group.

In another part of my dream, I was with Jackie H. We were going to our lockers to fetch something to play a game. I can't remember the game. But I do remember pulling something out of my locker. Then Jackie said she wanted something else, so I returned what I initially grabbed and got what she wanted and started to shut my locker. Then she repeated herself and said that she wanted 'this' AND 'that'. Well, I had already grabbed 'this', but I stopped then to grab 'that'. I was a little frustrated by the end of the exercise. I do not remember what 'this' and 'that' were.

The next thing I remember, I'm going up to Indy with family to a funeral or a wedding. I don't remember the actual event. I just remember walking up to it with my family and the reception afterwards. Jeff was only 2-3 and was at my parents'. I expected them to drop him off so that I could get him ready. Instead, they waited until it was time to leave and just picked me up. So, I wasn't driving like I expected to be and Jeff wasn't wearing what I wanted him to wear. Once we were there, we got a call from my older brother. Someone was supposed to pick him up on the way. But since we all rode together, there was no room for Alan or maybe we just forgot him. I gave him directions to the place and he said he was on his way. But it was going to take him 40 minutes to get there from his place, so he was going to be late and he wasn't happy about it. Strangely, I was using Jeff's cell phone (the one he has now)...even though Jeff was only 2-3 in my dream. The next thing I remember, I was in line to get food. Mostly there were desserts, but there were other things too. I was in line between two people I didn't know. And they kept smashing me between the two of them. I kept telling them to give me space, but they wouldn't. I think they were trying to get me to leave. But I was being stubborn and just tried to find a way to make my point without leaving. I never found a way. Halfway through the line, I realized that I had lost Jeff's phone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sept 22, 2009

At first, I was at a fair of some kind. And I was with Brenda R. I remember noticing that I was wearing a short skirt and knee-hi's. I felt like an idiot...especially since I hadn't shaved. But Brenda told me it didn't look that bad.

The next thing I know, I'm in a car with Stephanie M (who was driving) and Kathy L (who was in the passenger seat). I was kind of sitting in the passenger seat and kind of hanging out the window. I saw olive green 'heavy equipment' sitting on the side of a hill. Kathy explained to me that they were used for work at the lake...unlike the normal yellow ones that we see doing work on the highways.

I think we were driving around looking for something to do. Then Stephanie saw Chadd M. So, we followed him to his place.

When we first walked in, he was sitting in a chair with his feet up on an ottoman, reading the newspaper. He looked much older than he is today. For whatever reason, I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

The next thing I remember, Mary Rose M joined us...and her face was part blue and part yellow. She said that it was the result of a medical procedure. She seemed to be okay with the temporary change, so we tried to act like it was normal. Then I noticed that the carpet that we were all sitting on was also blue and yellow. For whatever reason, it seemed easier for me to accept once I realized that she matched the carpeting.

Eventually, Chadd was telling us about his business. He was trying to get us to get started in the business too. I told him that I was doing MK and didn't want to have to work two different businesses at the same time. He was quiet for a few minutes. When one of the other girls asked him what he was thinking, I said that he was trying to overcome my objection.

The next thing I know, Julie G. had also arrived. She had big, auburn hair. At one point, she asked someone, "what does that mean to me?" I took it upon my self to say, "Let's just say that you're a smoker. What she's saying is, we're not going to hold that against you. We're never going to say that your health would be better if you'd quit smoking. We're not going to keep reminding you how much money you can save if you'd quit. We will simply accept that that's part of what makes you who you are. And we are going to love you anyway. It's not going to keep you from being successful."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday, Feb 6, 2009

I was at a backyard party with friends. We were using the swing set as bleachers. The entertainment was going to be Miley Cyrus. She was wearing a really short dress/jumper. Strangely, she kept pulling up the back of her dress to pull her underwear out of her butt. It was so unattractive and I was surprised that she didn't seem to think this was a problem. Personally, I would have been embarrassed. At one point, she went up to her father and threw her arms around his shoulders for a hug. When she did, her dress came up nearly to her waist. Her father didn't even try to protect her modesty. I was NOT impressed. So, before she even started performing, I was already done listening to her.

I was sitting in a swing talking to a friend. We were discussing how much tickets to a Miley concert were. And I announced loud enough for all to hear, that I have never, nor would I ever, spend that kind of money to see some teenage flash in the pan concert. I didn't do it for Britney Spears or the Back Street Boys and I wasn't going to do it for Miley Cyrus either. I didn't care how popular she was or how coveted her tickets were. I can't remember if I left right away or after the music got started. But I remember being unimpressed and 'tired of it'. And I remember that when I left, the others stayed. So, the concert definitely was not over.

I got into my car to drive home. I think I was staying with my parents. But they didn't live in the home that I know as theirs. They were living in my Grandma Strange's house. On my way over there, I drove right past it. So, I tried to do a U-turn, but ended up on the sidewalk. I had to stop and put it into reverse in order to get back to where I needed to be. Ultimately, I parked in the lot across the street.

The front bedroom light was on. So I knew the folks were awake. I let myself in and proceeded to their bedroom. Just like when I was in high school, I sat on the end of the their bed and told them about the evening. My dad was disgusted by the 'flashing' images of Miley.

At one point Mom left the room and my sister Erin walked in. She didn't say anything, just curled up under the covers and listened. I was still talking to my dad and snuggling with their cat. I noticed that their cat's head reminded me of a turtle head or a snake head. He had pulled his ears back against his head and it just reminded me of a snake. I was fascinated and a little frightened by it. Also, he was laying on me stomach to stomach with all four limbs out to his sides, holding on to me. I thought that was a little strange too.

When my mom walked back into the room, she was carrying snacks. She said that they didn't have much variety, but thought this would do. I got up so she could sit down, as Erin was still lying on her side of the bed. And I decided to look around at the decor. I think they had just recently moved in and I hadn't really checked out the place since they had. I wanted to compare how they decorated it differently than my grandmother had. But I didn't go all around the house, just stayed in their bedroom. They had a large hutch with various things on it. And I didn't look at much else. I don't remember anything else.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday, Feb 1, 2009

I was leaving a meeting or gathering with a large group of my co-workers. We went outside to this large recreational area. There was a volleyball court, a large putt-putt course, and an open stage where a band was performing. Between the sports venues and the flat ground and the stage and seating up high on the side of a large hill, there was a maze of pathways, stairs, and landings with tables (where people could sit and eat or chat). It was elaborate and inviting and beautiful with all the green grass, stone, and natural furnishings.

I was waiting at the building entrance for a friend, Victoria B (a former co-worker), I think. She had to go back in for something and was going to be right back. I remember thinking that I was getting impatient waiting for her. A few minutes later, I was asked to move along because a large wedding party was coming out and wanted their pictures taken. I decided to go on out to the stage and hope to see Victoria there eventually. As I was making my way to our crowd of co-workers, Victoria was already there. I wasn't confused as to how she got there before me; I was just happy that she wasn't going to walk out of the building and wonder why I'd left her.

Victoria was all excited about who was going to be live on the open stage. So, we started making our way up the maze of pathways up to the stage. I lost Victoria again as we were climbing...mostly because I kept looking around at all of the people and the beautiful surroundings. But I wasn't all that worried. The music started and everyone began dancing. Not just the basic rocking back and forth from foot to foot thing, but really getting into it, spinning and leaping and moving out whole bodies to the music. It was so liberating.

Eventually, I wanted to get back with my friends, but I couldn't find any of them. I was standing on a high landing and could see most of the people below, but they were all strangers to me. I remember specifically looking for orange, like maybe one of my friends was wearing orange.

The next think I know, I'm naked and getting into one of the personal hot tubs on a landing overlooking the sports. I was going to take advantage of the alone time to totally relax. No one joined me, but there were others around, doing their own forms of relaxation.

After awhile, I decided it was late and I was going to return to my room. After getting dressed and starting down the maze of pathways, I finally ran into one of my friends, Tim B (actually, he's the parent of a kid I taught a couple of years ago, also the older brother of a classmate). We were talking about our 'missed calls'. I had three. One was a hang-up from a number I didn't recognize. One was from a guy I was maybe going to date, wishing me a Happy New Year. (Strangely, I don't have any idea who this was.) And one was from my former division manager, telling me she loves me, thanking me for my hard work, and wishing my a Happy New Year. I remember her message being colorful and sparkly. My friend had a similar message from my former branch manager. We were making fun of them...the messages.

Then I was trying to figure out what time it was, so maybe I could call the date guy back. I looked at three different clocks and got three different times. And they weren't even close; they were HOURS different. Finally, I decided it was too late and I'd call him in the morning.

As I was returning to the hotel, I ran into my co-workers. They were all sitting together in a common area of the hotel, discussing other co-workers. Apparently, we sent a team of three 'south' for work. We just got word that two of them were killed in the line of duty. Bear in mind, our line of work does not normally entail someone being killed in the line of duty. But I don't remember that crossing my mind. I was just trying to wrack my brain trying to remember who we sent 'south'. Then I overheard someone say that John M (a co-worker) was the only survivor and he was due back in town in the next day or two.

The next thing I remember, I'm in a cubicle with Sher G (a co-worker) and Jennifer B (a co-worker) looking at maps. They were large poster board sizes of paper and very colorful. Each one was for a cul-de-sac of six homes, three different styles. In looking at the maps closely, instead of solid colors, each 'color' was actually a pattern. It was very intricate and interesting. Our job was to try to fit the different pages together, matching up the street names, etc. We were not having a whole lot of success at this.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday, Jan 31, 2009

It was like my busiest day in 0554 crossed with an episode of The Runway.

I was at my desk putting presentations together. I don't remember exactly what all I was doing. I just remember having several tasks to do and bouncing back and forth between offices. One of the things I had already completed was putting together a baby basket. I made a baby book and a blanket. I seem to remember that it was ultimately going to Linda W (a friend). I also remember that the items attached to the front of the baby book were starting to come off. It wasn't my best work, but I didn't have time to go back and do it again.

The next thing I know, I'm sewing men's clothing, a pair of pants specifically. The clothes were all a shimmery tan color. We had two pairs of pants, a vest, and two tank dresses with a fancy material along the bust line. (Okay, maybe we weren't just sewing MEN'S clothing.) At this particular point, I was attaching a darker brown strip of material to the pants and asking another member of our team what he thought about it. He said it looked bad and suggested we not go with that 'look'. He was sitting at a table with his feet up, reading a magazine. So, his opinion wasn't all that impressive to me, since he wasn't willing to help with the work.

At one point, the Tim Gunn of the process (only this was a middle-aged woman in a skirt and jacket) was mediating a disagreement where this guy didn't want to work on a pair of pants and I was explaining why he should...because 1) the group agreed on the look and we'd already 'pitched it' to the powers that be, 2) he wasn't doing anything else, and 3) the rest of us were busy. He finally grabbed the pants and stomped out in a huff. The mentor told me that she agreed with me and hoped that we didn't have any more problems with this particular team member. So, I went back to work adding a lining to a vest.

It was then that I remembered that I forgot to make the music CD. I was supposed to do that when I was in the office at my computer, but I completely forgot. The music CD is played while the models are walking down the runway. I couldn't even remember the exact songs or the order of them that we'd agreed to. Ugh, I'd have to go back to my desk and do that eventually. But when would I have time for that?!

I decided to tell another person on my team, John M (a co-worker), about my latest stressor. Apparently, I was looking to vent. So, I went to the room where I thought he was working, only to find the Tim Gunn lady. She told me that John went down to the warehouse to pick something up and she was babysitting for his things until he got back. I decided to get back to work rather than chase John down. Instead, I ran into him in the hallway. He was as stressed as I was about our chances of finishing our work on time. I said, "We have a problem." He said, "You're telling me. We have the James Brown benefit tomorrow night that we've hardly planned for because we're so behind on THIS" as he lifts yet another garment into the air. I'd completely forgotten about the James Brown benefit! But I responded with, "Oh, it gets worse than that." And we moved into a room and shut the door behind us.

Strangely at this point, John had on makeup or marker on his face. Something around his eyes that I can no longer pinpoint. And he had thick lines of red in the smile creases between his nose and mouth. It reminded me of a clown. Nevertheless, I told him that we didn't have a CD for our models to walk with during the runway show. AND I'd have to stop working on the vest in order to go back to my computer to make the CD. I was stressed because I needed specific songs in a specific order for a specific length of time...and I wasn't even sure that I remembered the songs and the CD wasn't even started. But we couldn't have the runway show without it.

I don't really remember anything that happened after that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thursday, Jan 15, 2009

I had a dream about Jeff as a young child, maybe 5 or 6. He had always talked about "getting a patch."  Neither his dad nor I knew what that meant. But he talked about it regularly. I figured eventually, he'd have the words in his vocabulary to truly explain what the heck he meant by that.

At one point in my dream, we were in a church. Not my church. Not even sure if it's a church I've ever been in. Instead of pews, there were chairs. And they were set up in a semi-circle around the altar. What seemed like hundreds of them. And the atmosphere was warm and glowing. I was walking around for some reason, delivering something to someone. Services hadn't started yet, so I wasn't being a distraction. When it came time to begin, I couldn't find Jeff. I was trying to look through the rows to find him. Someone pointed to the far end of the room, but before I could get there, the lights went out. Not a power outage, but a planned part of the service. Eventually, the lights came back up and I resumed my path to Jeff. I found him with a family I didn't know. He was all buddy-buddy with a boy about the same age. Except for his messy blond hair, I remember nothing about him.

The next thing I know, we're in a hospital. I believe Jeff was a patient. I have no idea what might have been wrong with him. I just remember that he kept going back to the wrong bed. And he was still mentioning this patch that he wanted to get. I'm not sure where the patient that belonged to that bed was. But eventually, I learned that the patch that Jeff kept asking for helped to safe the life of the boy who belonged in that bed…the boy Jeff was hanging out with at church.

The last thing I remember, we went to a little league football game to meet up with the boy and his mother. She was so thankful for everything Jeff had done for her son. She went on and on about it. I didn't know what to say and was uncomfortable talking to her for some reason. But the boys resumed their playing like they were in the church and nothing dramatic had ever taken place at the hospital.