Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, Aug 31, 2008

I was working on a craft project with my family, though I don't remember who all was there. I just remember that we had laid down a towel, folded in half, on the floor. The fold of the towel was wet and we were putting various colors of dye along the fold. But we were having a hard time because the towel was sometimes too wet or too dry. When it was too wet, we had to wring it out, let it dry a little bit, and start over.

It just seemed like we weren't making much progress. Everyone was a little frustrated with the whole thing. I'm not even sure why we were doing it. I think we were using that wet, dyed towel as our ink palette and pressing either material or paper along the different colors. But I'm not positive.

Ultimately, everyone else went to bed and I said I'd work on it a little longer on my own. That's when I remember looking outside. There was a breeze and I half expected snowflakes to come down, but I don't think they did. It was then that I overheard a conversation, on the TV I think.

A man and his adult son were discussing their latest job. Apparently they owned a home business where they appraised people's homes. The son was telling his father that he had made several phone calls and couldn't learn anything about this older lady's home. He was ready to just make something up. The story that he came up with was that the home was previously owned by a man who inherited it, so he didn't actually have to pay for it. Hence, it was unknown how much it cost.

I just remember thinking that they were being deceitful. Just something about their tone made me think they weren't being completely truthful with the old woman. Then I tried to figure out what benefit there would be to them to lie to the woman about the value of her home.

I don't think I ever returned to our craft project.

I have NO IDEA what this dream represents in my life.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday, Aug 30, 2008

I usually pride myself on all the details that I remember from my dreams. This morning, I only remember two things from my dream. My mom was there. And there were little baby chicks. (Is that redundant? Baby AND chicks?) Actually, we kept calling them baby chicks until we finally discovered they were baby ducks. That's really all I remember.

I have NO IDEA what this dream represents in my life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday, Aug 8, 2008

I was going over to Sandy's house with friends. I think I was dropping off kids for her to babysit for. I couldn't stay long because I had to get to church; I was the canter. But while there, Sandy wanted to show me the changes she made to a banner she was making for me.

It was approximately 2 1/2' by 2 1/2', mostly light blue in color. It had words across the top, though I don't remember what they said. And along the left side, there was a white piece of material with white letter stenciled on it. It was very subtle but noticeable. There was also red material and gold glitter on the main body of the banner.

Sandy said that she hoped I didn't mind that she copied from my website a little, but instead of having the words on the white panel appear vertically, it might be better if they were horizontal. I apparently asked that they be displayed vertically along the left side of the banner. Sandy tried that, but couldn't get everything to fit just right, so she removed the lettering…leaving the shiny, white residue that we could see now…a very interesting feature. As she was telling me this, she was using a small ruler to 'scrape off' the old letters and flatten the banner. I agreed with her assessment.

I then went to church. I was whining (jokingly) to someone (I don't remember who was with me) that I couldn't believe Mom had left without me. She was the lector for the same mass that I was the canter for. I got to the church RIGHT before mass started. And I was showing my friend to her seat, when I noticed that the organist was leaning over the side of the choir loft, looking for me. So, I immediately made my way upstairs. The organist was Sandy. It never crossed my mind to wonder how she got there before me.

In another part of my dream (or perhaps a different dream), I was in a house that wasn't my own. And I wasn't alone. I think we were house-sitting, but perhaps we were just visiting. I decided to take a nice, long, hot bath. Unfortunately, I could only find a shower…and even that was difficult to find. It was in a closet. I opened a door, walked past clothes hanging on both sides of me and there was the shower in the back of this fairly large closet. The only reason I found it there was because I heard the water running. I don’t know why the water was running. The shower was large, a deep mulberry color, and had a bench seat. I figured out that once I closed the drain, the front wall of the shower came up out of the floor and sealed, making a deep bath tub. Ahhh, I was going to get to take my long, hot bath after all. But since all of this took me so long, as I was filling up the tub, the homeowners came home and I had to quickly stop my bath time plans.

I am scheduled to canter at mass this weekend and Sandy is the organist that I'll be working with. But I've never been to her house, couldn't even tell you where it is. I don't have kids that she could babysit for and don't even know if she babysits. Her twins are in the same grade as my son, seniors in high school.

I have no idea what the symbolism of the banner or its coloring is. I'm also at a loss about the whole shower scene.