Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, Jan 13, 2012

I was in a classroom with lots of people.  I was one of the students.  We were all given an exercise to do.  I completed my exercise with no issues.  Then people started voicing their frustrations with the exercise.  So, I started helping them.

The exercise was akin to creating a project structure in ERP.  I quickly realized that some folks were simply trying to create a project that already existed.  So, I was going around the room asking everyone what their project number was.  I remember two things about this exercise.  I remembered almost everyone's name and was embarrassed when I couldn't.  Once I wrote down someone's name and their project number, only to find out that I remembered her name incorrectly.  The second thing I remember was that some of the folks didn't even know enough about the exercise to know what a project number was.

Oh, a third thing...a handful of people got so frustrated with the exercise that they gave up and didn't make much effort to finish it.  After writing down everyone's project number, I was going to walk them all through creating a project, step-by-step.

Not sure why I went from student to teacher.  And I'm not sure who the teacher was or where they were.

In another dream, I was driving on a two lane road, following a few cars of people I knew.  I had four text books with me.  Two large books and two smaller books.  At one point, traffic was stopped for construction.  We got out of our cars and were sitting around talking.  For some reason, I pulled out my four books to show my friends.  Then traffic started moving and I put the books back in my bag and started driving again.

In another dream...or another part of one of those dreams, I was with Terri R and one other person.  We were driving down a street lined by homes and buildings.  Kind of quaint.  I can't remember what we were looking for exactly.  But eventually we ended up in a bar...and Terri R turned into Stephanie M.

Stephanie knew exactly what she wanted, ordered it, and was enjoying it.  I was trying to figure out what I wanted, when a drink appeared in front of me.  The bartender (a woman) told me I owed her $4.50.  I gave her a $20.  I had no idea what was in the glass, but I drank it anyway.  The bartender returned with my change.  In that same moment our third person (maybe Terri R or Karen A) ordered a drink.  The bartender then took back my change to cover that person's drink.  So, I didn't get my change back.

We were sitting on bar stools on a slope.  I was on the downhill side and I kept sliding down the 'hill'.  I found this very annoying.  At one point, I was showing Stephanie how if I didn't hang on the bar, I would slide down the 'hill' and into the room full of tables and chairs.  I was even spinning in circles on my bar stool as I did this.