Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sept 22, 2009

At first, I was at a fair of some kind. And I was with Brenda R. I remember noticing that I was wearing a short skirt and knee-hi's. I felt like an idiot...especially since I hadn't shaved. But Brenda told me it didn't look that bad.

The next thing I know, I'm in a car with Stephanie M (who was driving) and Kathy L (who was in the passenger seat). I was kind of sitting in the passenger seat and kind of hanging out the window. I saw olive green 'heavy equipment' sitting on the side of a hill. Kathy explained to me that they were used for work at the lake...unlike the normal yellow ones that we see doing work on the highways.

I think we were driving around looking for something to do. Then Stephanie saw Chadd M. So, we followed him to his place.

When we first walked in, he was sitting in a chair with his feet up on an ottoman, reading the newspaper. He looked much older than he is today. For whatever reason, I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

The next thing I remember, Mary Rose M joined us...and her face was part blue and part yellow. She said that it was the result of a medical procedure. She seemed to be okay with the temporary change, so we tried to act like it was normal. Then I noticed that the carpet that we were all sitting on was also blue and yellow. For whatever reason, it seemed easier for me to accept once I realized that she matched the carpeting.

Eventually, Chadd was telling us about his business. He was trying to get us to get started in the business too. I told him that I was doing MK and didn't want to have to work two different businesses at the same time. He was quiet for a few minutes. When one of the other girls asked him what he was thinking, I said that he was trying to overcome my objection.

The next thing I know, Julie G. had also arrived. She had big, auburn hair. At one point, she asked someone, "what does that mean to me?" I took it upon my self to say, "Let's just say that you're a smoker. What she's saying is, we're not going to hold that against you. We're never going to say that your health would be better if you'd quit smoking. We're not going to keep reminding you how much money you can save if you'd quit. We will simply accept that that's part of what makes you who you are. And we are going to love you anyway. It's not going to keep you from being successful."