Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007

In the first dream that I remember, I was traveling. At first, I was with Mom. We were walking around this building where we were going to be staying. Eventually, we walked down this long hill, with brick walls on both sides. She was able to walk down the whole way, I slid down the hill on my butt part of the way and wondered how I was going to get to the bottom, when Mom said that we should probably just go back up. The whole time, we were talking about how beautiful it was and how the weather was perfect.

The place where we were staying reminded me of an old Mexican adobe home, a very large one. In fact, we didn’t have individual hotel rooms. The home was very intricate with rooms and hallways in all different directions, almost as if it were underground. Every time I turned around, there was another ‘way’ to go. We all shared rooms with the family members, mostly children, of the family who lived there.

I was having a difficult time finding my room, which started with a 4 and was four digits long. I climbed stone steps until I reached what I thought was the fourth floor. None of the rooms had my number on it. As I went down one particular hallway, it took me out on a landing. I remember thinking that it was strange that both the first AND the fourth floors could take me outside to level ground. I roamed around outside for a bit, thinking there might be another building or something with my room number on it.

Eventually, I decided to go back to the main building. I had to cross a creek to get there. I was trying to avoid the water and this log that looked too slippery to walk across. All the time I was still carrying my suitcase. I got mud on my shoes, but otherwise made it just fine.

After I got back to the building and found people I recognized, I asked about my room. They told me it was through the restaurant on the fourth floor. I was able to find it then. My roommate was to be one of the waitresses there, probably 16-17 years old. She was very pretty and a good waitress; I could tell just by watching her for a few minutes. It was then that I got an email from Richard (my boss) asking for directions to where we were staying.

That’s the end of what I remember of the dream.

In my second dream, I was studying something with my friend Terri. (Two dreams in one weekend about Terri. Hmmm.) We needed to cover five chapters. I remember that Jeff was there, only much younger.

We were in my parents’ home. Terri was lying on the couch against the long wall. I was sitting on the floor leaning against the couch where her feet were. And Jeff kept going back to the bedroom and talking to someone, then coming out to us to talk. I wanted to get up to see who he was talking to back there, but I wanted to finish studying first. I thought I had a long way to go, but I was nearly on chapter six. Only four pages left.

Once I finished the four pages, rather quickly, mostly just perusing them, I got up to see who Jeff was talking to in the bedroom. Ben Affleck was in my parents’ bed. He was under the covers and trying to sleep. I don’t know if he was entertained by Jeff or annoyed by him. But it was obvious that he was trying to sleep and couldn’t possibly get to do that with Jeff bothering him. So, I told him that I’d take care of Jeff.

The next thing I remember, Terri and Jeff are discussing math. Apparently, the last chapter that we were studying was about math and Jeff understood it. Ben thought it was strange that someone so young could actually understand that, but I explained that Jeff was really smart and they could be busy for awhile. Oh, by the way, Jeff was wearing a white warm-up uniform, kind of big, but perfectly white.

I then jumped on the bed and kissed Ben, almost like an apology. Then he kissed me back. We started making out, (talk about a dream!) but I remembered that Terri and Jeff were on their last chapter and Jeff would probably be coming back in soon to talk to Ben. So, I told Ben that we’d have to wait until Terri and Jeff left. I’m not sure why I thought that Jeff would be leaving with Terri, but I did.

While waiting, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few pieces of fresh pineapple from a bowl on the kitchen counter. That was right after I left Ben in the bedroom saying, ‘Don’t forget where we were.’ To which he replied, ‘Oh, don’t worry.’ He got up; I got up. I don’t know where he went or what he did, but I went into the kitchen for pineapple. That’s all I remember about that dream.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

(I slept great for the first night in about a week.)

I was at a large outdoor picnic at some park. I don’t think I knew most of the people there. But I seemed to be with my friend Terri. At one point, the food was ready. There was one large buffet at the front of the ‘room’ and large serving bowls on each of the tables. Terri and I were sitting at a table, so we started serving up food from those bowls. We had both filled our plates and sat them down at our places. Then we decided to go get something to drink. This turned out to take much longer than we expected due to the crowd. By the time we returned to our places, our food was gone. I was really upset by this. But Terri said that we could just go to the main buffet line and get food. What mayhem! There were kids everywhere and people going backwards through the line. It was crazy. For some reason, there was a display wall, much like you’d see in a department store, with pots and pans hanging from it. And several of the kids, one boy in particular, would come and play the pots and pans like they were instruments. It was loud and annoying! Eventually, I remember carrying my plate back to my seat, but it was in this very large, dipping spoon-shaped basket and it was heavy. During my walk back to my seat, I saw my cousin Terri (different Terri). She was playing the sax in a rock band. And she was really getting into it, dancing with the band and singing along. She’s normally pretty shy. By the time I sat down to eat, I was no longer with my friend Terri, but I was sitting next to my mom. While we were eating, my sister Erin came up and sat with us. She didn’t sit on the bench, but on the table. She was complaining about someone being rude. I said that it might be considered rude to sit your butt on a table that people were eating. But when I looked at her to get her reaction, she’d already moved down to the bench and looked at me like I didn’t know what I was talking about. But her wet butt mark on the table confirmed that she had in fact been sitting on the table. Then she noticed a small child getting a piggy back ride. She said something like, ‘You have two shoe laces on your back!’ And the little girl did have two shoe laces tied together for decoration on her back. Also while eating with Mom, I remember seeing kids up on the second floor. It was like a loft over-looking the area where the rest of us were eating. I just remember thinking that it would be way too easy for those kids to fall off that level. The next thing I know, I’m sitting in a completely different environment, next to a door. There is a knock at the door, I open it, and there is a young boy there, carrying a table that had his little sister on it. He was much too small to be carrying her. But he felt she was too small to walk on her own and thought this was the one way to get her to wherever they were going. That was the end of the dream... us discussing how she might just be able to walk or trying to figure out how he might more easily get her to wherever they were going. I remember she was just a cute little thing with pudgy legs and a red shirt with ruffles. She had wavy curly hair and played with her hands the whole time we were talking. She was probably 2 and her brother was about 4. But he was all business in taking care of his little sister.