Friday, October 2, 2009

Oct 2, 2009

I don't remember the order of these events in my dreams. I just remember snippets of stories.

At one point, I was in a school. Apparently I had to spend the night there. MANY of us were. But it wasn't organized. There was no specific sleeping area and we weren't all on the same schedule. I remember feeling like I needed to protect my flashlight so that no one took it because it was dark. I was sleeping behind a school desk that I laid on its side, like I was hiding behind it. Some people were walking around and coming close to my make-shift tent and I'd get nervous. I don't remember why we were there or why I was all by myself...everyone else seemed to be with a friend or in a group.

In another part of my dream, I was with Jackie H. We were going to our lockers to fetch something to play a game. I can't remember the game. But I do remember pulling something out of my locker. Then Jackie said she wanted something else, so I returned what I initially grabbed and got what she wanted and started to shut my locker. Then she repeated herself and said that she wanted 'this' AND 'that'. Well, I had already grabbed 'this', but I stopped then to grab 'that'. I was a little frustrated by the end of the exercise. I do not remember what 'this' and 'that' were.

The next thing I remember, I'm going up to Indy with family to a funeral or a wedding. I don't remember the actual event. I just remember walking up to it with my family and the reception afterwards. Jeff was only 2-3 and was at my parents'. I expected them to drop him off so that I could get him ready. Instead, they waited until it was time to leave and just picked me up. So, I wasn't driving like I expected to be and Jeff wasn't wearing what I wanted him to wear. Once we were there, we got a call from my older brother. Someone was supposed to pick him up on the way. But since we all rode together, there was no room for Alan or maybe we just forgot him. I gave him directions to the place and he said he was on his way. But it was going to take him 40 minutes to get there from his place, so he was going to be late and he wasn't happy about it. Strangely, I was using Jeff's cell phone (the one he has now)...even though Jeff was only 2-3 in my dream. The next thing I remember, I was in line to get food. Mostly there were desserts, but there were other things too. I was in line between two people I didn't know. And they kept smashing me between the two of them. I kept telling them to give me space, but they wouldn't. I think they were trying to get me to leave. But I was being stubborn and just tried to find a way to make my point without leaving. I never found a way. Halfway through the line, I realized that I had lost Jeff's phone.