Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I had another dream where I was trying to pay my tab at a restaurant and I couldn't seem to accomplish that simple task.

At first, I was at a craft show of sorts. I remember that Mom had a couple of antiques that she was trying to sell and they were marked down really low. They looked to be worth something. But when we asked her about it, she said that she never expected to get out of them what they were worth. So, she was okay with getting at least something for them.

Next I remember talking to Michelle (my sister-in-law) about a mutual friend's home business...still at this craft show I can't remember who the friend was though. But this friend was also at the craft show selling her merchandise. And Michelle kept trying to get her to be more driven, more ambitious. This friend was doing a pretty good job making sales. But she wasn't being very fast. Her customers were waiting for her constantly. Michelle offered to help her, by showing her ways to be more efficient, but our friend wouldn't (or couldn't) adjust. At the end of the day, our friend was satisfied with the money she made, but Michelle was convinced that she could have made 2-3 times what she did.

Then we went to get something to eat. At this point, I was with Mykle and Terri (good friends of mine) and one other person. (I've noticed in my dreams that I'm regularly forgetting the identity of one person.) We asked for our meals in ‘to go’ boxes. It took awhile to get them and we just chatted about things while we waited. But as soon as our food came out, we felt rushed to get out of the restaurant. Our ‘to go’ boxes were delivered to us on trays. So, we went to put the trays in this bin and leave. After taking our food out to the vehicle, I realized that I hadn't paid for mine. I'm not sure how or when the others paid for theirs; we were together the entire time. But when I went back into the restaurant by myself to pay for my lunch, I couldn't get anyone to wait on me. I was part of a long line (much like my previous dream about checking out of a restaurant) and we were roaming around trying to find someone who would allow us to pay for our meals so that we could leave. We even went up to two different cash registers, only to be told that they couldn't help us.