Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, Aug 31, 2008

I was working on a craft project with my family, though I don't remember who all was there. I just remember that we had laid down a towel, folded in half, on the floor. The fold of the towel was wet and we were putting various colors of dye along the fold. But we were having a hard time because the towel was sometimes too wet or too dry. When it was too wet, we had to wring it out, let it dry a little bit, and start over.

It just seemed like we weren't making much progress. Everyone was a little frustrated with the whole thing. I'm not even sure why we were doing it. I think we were using that wet, dyed towel as our ink palette and pressing either material or paper along the different colors. But I'm not positive.

Ultimately, everyone else went to bed and I said I'd work on it a little longer on my own. That's when I remember looking outside. There was a breeze and I half expected snowflakes to come down, but I don't think they did. It was then that I overheard a conversation, on the TV I think.

A man and his adult son were discussing their latest job. Apparently they owned a home business where they appraised people's homes. The son was telling his father that he had made several phone calls and couldn't learn anything about this older lady's home. He was ready to just make something up. The story that he came up with was that the home was previously owned by a man who inherited it, so he didn't actually have to pay for it. Hence, it was unknown how much it cost.

I just remember thinking that they were being deceitful. Just something about their tone made me think they weren't being completely truthful with the old woman. Then I tried to figure out what benefit there would be to them to lie to the woman about the value of her home.

I don't think I ever returned to our craft project.

I have NO IDEA what this dream represents in my life.